Wednesday, April 27, 2011

...In Which We Keep Looking Forward.

Because really, why look back?

The winds of change have blown through here at High 5, unleashing a Pievolution and creating a hunger not only in our bellies, but in our hearts. Fillings were put under the microscope, tweaked, tasted, shared, talked about, tweaked again and married with our even-better-than-before dough. Talk about a match made in heaven! No really, let's talk about it ;)

These last few weeks at High 5 have been a wonderful journey. Challenging yes, but wonderful nonetheless. We can't tell you how great it feels to roll out changes and get back the response we've been receiving from the most important group of people: Our amazing customers. We went through some incredibly humbling times, listened to feedback, had some trial and error and then a breakthrough that wouldn't have been possible if we didn't have the best customers on the planet.

Thank YOU, Jennings Family! We hope Kitty left you some ;)!

You make our bakers so happy with tweets like these! It tells us that we're doing something right and that we are headed in a great direction. Not only do our bakers appreciate your feedback, but our baristas do as well!

Rockstar baristas, another one of our specialties.

This is why we do what we do. Because we love pie and love sharing it with people. We love talking about it, sharing secrets, trying new things and making something for you to share with loved ones. So from the bottom of our pie-loving hearts, thank you so much. YOU are the reason we are here, why we keep on evolving and why we have no plans on going anywhere but up!

Pievolution isn't over. It's just beginning.

The High 5 Pie family

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